Inclusion and Pastoral (SEND)

Uplands Manor is a fully inclusive school with a 20-place SEND Unit for children with Severe Learning Disabilities. We are committed to meeting the needs of all children in our school and develop their full potential; personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational need.

Key staff

Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion and Pastoral Lead - Mrs P Chester 

Deputy SENDCo - Mrs K Dulai

Assistant SENDCo - Mrs C Robertson

Designated Safeguarding Lead - Ms S Fox

Learning Mentors - Mrs J Davies and Mrs D Jordan 

Education Welfare Officer - Mrs H Ford 

Attendance Administrator - Mrs S Weston 

Parent Support Advisor (SinglePoint) - Caroline Gordon 

NHS Speech and Language Therapist (in school on Tuesdays) - Karen Hoar

Key Documents

School Life app download
A School Life Website
School Life app download