week ending 4th October 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you very much for making me feel welcome to Uplands. It is a pleasure to meet you in the playground at the beginning and end of the school day. If I haven't met you yet, please do come over and say hello!
All the children are looking very smart in their uniforms. Please remember to put their full name in all items of clothing, coats, bags, lunch bags, PE kits and shoes. It is very expensive for you to replace items and we cannot re-unite items with their owner if they aren't labelled!
It is lovely to see parents and carers back in school for assemblies and workshops. We look forward to seeing more of you during the year. Do remember to check the calendar on the website for upcoming events and do try to attend so you can support your child.
Mrs R Keen
School news
We will be producing regular newsletters with school news, information and dates. The newsletter will be sent by the School Gateway app and it is on our school website https://uplandsmanor.sch.life/
If your child does something special outside school that you would like us to share with our school families, please let us know. Have they helped you with some voluntary work? Have they helped someone in need? Have they taken part in a competition, e.g. dance, art, writing, sport, etc). Your news is our news and we would like to celebrate it with you. Please email headteacher@uplandsmanor.sandwell.sch.uk
School Gateway app

Dates of all events happening at Uplands Manor can be found on the calendar https://uplandsmanor.sch.life/Page/Calendar
Make sure you check it regularly as new dates will be added throughout the year
- Thursday 3rd Census day special lunch
- Wednesday 9th 2.15pm Reception parents' reading meeting
- Wednesday 16th Final day for Harvest donations
- Monday 21st RO to Smethwick Gurdwara
- Wednesday 23rd Year 5 to Smethwick Old Church
- Wednesday 23rd Year 6 to RAF Cosford
- Thursday 24th RJ & RM to Smethwick Gurdwara
- Thursday 24th School photos (letter to follow)
- Friday 25th Last day of Year 6 clubs
- Thursday 31st Final day for secondary school applications
- Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November SCHOOL CLOSED for half term holiday

The deadline for all secondary school applications is Thursday 31st October. A Sandwell advice and guidance document was sent to you earlier in the week and can be found on the school website by clicking https://bit.ly/4gS5Ejw
- Monday 4th THE LODGE CLOSED for staff training
- Monday 4th Main school open to all pupils
- Tuesday 12th 3.30 - 6pm Parents' Evening & Book Fayre
- Thursday 14th Nasal flu immunisation (remaining children)
- Thursday 14th 3.30 - 6pm Parents' Evening & Book Fayre
- Friday 15th Children in Need - details to follow
- Monday 18th Odd socks day for anti-bullying awareness
- Tuesday 19th 4.30pm Year 3 & 4 Bedtime Stories event
Free Activity Morning for 2, 3 & 4 year olds

- Monday 2nd Staff Inset - SCHOOL CLOSED
- Thursday 5th Christmas jumper and dinner day
- Tuesday 10th Year 1 & 2 Bedtime Stories event
- Friday 20th Last day of term
We would like to say a huge thank you to children, families and staff for helping us raise £368.99 for our annual 'Go Gold' day. The money raised will be sent to The Chris Lucas Trust, a charity which raises funds for cancer research.
End of day collection changes
You should have received a letter and photograph plan with the information about the changes to the end of school day collection. Please read it carefully so you know where to collect your children. Please be patient as there are lots of children who need to be released safely
School Meals Review
We are reviewing the school meals and would appreciate your help by completing a short survey.
There is currently a fault with the online survey. We will either fix it or send paper copies.
Healthy snack and drink

Please remember to give your child a healthy snack and a water bottle for break time.
Community Information
Information about support groups, information and events in our local area can be found on the Community Information page on our website or by clicking https://bit.ly/3Re3Q9T
Asda Cashpot for Schools
📚 Help Schools with Asda's Cash Pot! 📚
We’re excited to announce that Asda’s Cash Pot for Schools is now live! This amazing initiative supports local schools by providing much-needed funds for essential supplies, activities, and facilities that benefit students.
🙌 How can you help? For every purchase made in-store, customers can donate to Uplands Manor by choosing to allocate Asda Rewards into the Cash Pot for Schools. The more we donate, the more we can make a difference in students' lives!
💡 Why get involved?
- Support education and your local school
- Help provide books, equipment, and experiences for children
- Every little donation counts!
Join us in empowering the next generation—because when schools thrive, so do our communities! 💚
We are also pedestrianising our school entrances to make it safer for pedestrians to walk at these busy times. There will be no vehicle movement between 8.30-9am and 3-3.30pm. Parents should not be using school car parks to drop / collect pupils, so please do not use these.
The only exception for this will be for children who attend The Lodge and by prior arrangement only).

Please remember that you must only take photographs or videos of your own children. If any contain images of other children, staff or parents, they must not be uploaded to social media.

Dogs must not be brought onto the school site, even if you are carrying it.

If you ride a bike or scooter to school, please either lock it up before you enter the playground or push it. No bikes or scooters (adults or children's) should be ridden on the school site). Thank you for your co-operation.