Newsletter 21st January 2022


Dear Parents and Carers



Parent Governor election

Congratulations to Mrs Sarah Hartill on her appointment as the second Parent Governor.  Both Mrs Hartill and Mr Brown are regularly on the playground before or after school.  





Dates of all events happening at Uplands Manor can be found on the calendar 

Make sure you check it regularly as new dates will be added throughout the year




  • Monday 19th January - Friday 11th February Year 5 extra-curricular clubs
  • Monday 10th January - Friday 11th February - Guitar, football, singing, Y5 challenge and girls' football club dates
  • Wednesday 12th January Nasal flu immunisations for children who didn't receive it earlier in the year
  • Wednesday 19th - Year 3 Egyptian Workshop
  • Monday 24th - Wednesday 26th - Edgmond Hall Residential (group 1)
  • Wednesday 26th - Friday 28th - Edgmond Hall Residential (group 2)



  • Wednesday 2nd - Friday 4th - Year 5/6 Pioneer Centre Residential
  • Thursday 10th February - Rearranged Year 3 Egyptian Workshop
  • Friday 11th - Year 5 Planetarium experience in school
  • Friday 11th - Last day of all extra-curricular clubs
  • Monday 21st - Friday 25th - HALF TERM HOLIDAY
  • Monday 28th - School re-opens to all pupils
  • Monday 28th February - Friday 1st April - Year 4 extra-curricular clubs
  • Monday 28th February - Friday 1st April - Guitar, football, singing, Y5 challenge and girls' football club dates





It's Good to be Green but it's Great to be Gold!

We believe that it is important to celebrate achievements.  Each week, children may be given a gold letter from a member of staff or a certificate from Mr Dickinson, Miss Copestake or Miss James.

If your child has done something special outside school - maybe they have helped someone or done something special.  Tell us so that the Uplands community can share in their celebration. Email 

Pupils who show exceptional behaviour for the majority of the week can be chosen to receive a gold letter.  Gold letters have been given to:

  • Mehakdeep K received a golden letter for her attitude in writing
  • Ayub J for always making the right choices and being a wonderful role model for the class
  • Sapphire T for always making the right choices and being a wonderful role model for the class
  • Autumn S for her amazing work in History and research into lots of facts about Ancient Greece
  • Gursharan L for her attitude across the curriculum
  • Le-Kyirie C for trying hard in all his lessons this week
  • Octavio T for fantastic contribution during lessons
  • Jalal M for fantastic behaviour all week
  • Ibrahim M for fantastic behaviour all week
  • Samir A for his hard work with division this week
  • Rehaan A for working hard in all areas of the curriculum


Headteacher & Deputy Headteacher Awards

Congratulations to  the children who have received a Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher award this week.  They are:

  • Leia for excellent attitude to her art
  • Daniela K for super home learning on the Ancient Greek topic
  • Salifu S for super home learning on the Ancient Greek topic
  • Nathaniel S for super home learning on the Ancient Greek topic
  • Amar H for super home learning on the Ancient Greek topic




The national target for attendance in school is 96%. 

It is really important that children are in school on time every day.  

For the week ending 21st January, the whole school attendance was 89.5%.  The highest attending classes were:


  • RJC - 92.4%
  • 1G - 96.4%
  • 2J - 95.8%
  • 3H - 89.2%
  • 4KS - 96.8%
  • 5R - 94.6%
  • 6M - 92.7%

Well done to all these classes for their great attendance. Could your class be the highest in the year group next week?


Below is a table showing the effect that absence has on your child's learning.






Medication - what to do if your child needs to take prescribed medication in school

If your child is prescribed medication, please read our procedures below.

Antibiotics  only if prescribed 4 doses per day. You will need to collect it at the end of the day from the main office (Reception children - it will be given to the class teacher)

  • Medicine must have the pharmacy label attached
  • All medication and inhalers must be brought to the school office by you (not your child). You will be asked to complete our medication form (save yourself some time by
  • Antibiotics can only be given in school if your child needs to have 4 doses a day
  • A permission to administer medication in school form must be completed and handed back to the Receptionist with the medication


Spring Reading Challenge

Last term, lots of fantastic children completed their reading challenges and read every day to earn a token. Could it be you this term? Take a look at our Spring reading challenges to see what you could get up to 🙂 Enjoy! 



School dinners - temporary menu change

Unfortunately, due to staffing issues, our catering provider is implementing a new simplified menu from Monday 17th January.

We are sorry that this is short notice but all meals will need to be re-booked using the temporary menu.

If your child has a special medical diet this will not be affected. 

Please see the new menu and a letter below, explaining the reason for the changes from our catering provider.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Clarke in the office or email


Snow days - how to find out if we are closed

If we have to close school due to severe weather or any other reason, we will let you know as quickly as possible by sending a message on the School Gateway app and on social media.  







DPC/Singlepoint have a survey for families as part of our funding application for the child support programme. Please could you spare a few minutes to help by completing the survey:



Autism West Midlands Family Support & Information



This is an opportunity for dads to meet online, share ideas, celebrate their children’s achievement’s and offer support to each other with a member of Autism West Midlands present.

Free – ONLINE – ‘Zoom’ Session

Date: Thursday evenings

27th January 2022

24th February 2022

31st March 2022

Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm

To book please visit our eShop: Virtual Dads Support Group – West Midlands | Autism West Midlands Shop

For more information please contact Amanda:



Sandwell Good to Know Newsletter


Creative Sounds Sandwell

Creative Sounds is a free, inclusive music group delivered
by SIPS Education and MAC Makes Music.  Click on the link below for more information.


Sandwell Children's Trust - Foster Care Recruitment

School Life app download
A School Life Website
School Life app download