Newsletter 19th March 2021


Dear Parents and Carers


Year 5 start time and entrance

Year 5 morning drop-off has been changed.  Children need to be here between 8.50 - 8.55am and will enter through the Sports Centre door.


Letters sent home this week

Below is a list of letters sent to you by text and email this week.  If you haven't received them, click the link below :


Collecting children at the end of the school day

If you have to ask someone else to collect your child at the end of the school day, please ring the school office as early as possible so they can get a message to the teacher.  Please do not leave it till the end of the day.


Free School Meal Vouchers for the Easter holiday

Sandwell Council has agreed to provide food vouchers over the Easter break for families who are entitled to Free School Meals.  You will receive the link for the vouchers by text or email. 

If you have any queries, please email


Is your child entitled to Free School Meals?

If you receive any of the following financial support, your child may be entitled to free school meals.  Click on the link below for more details and to complete the application form 

  • income Support
  • Universal Credit - with a household net income of less than £7,400 a year
  • Job Seekers Allowance - Income based only
  • Employment and Support Allowance - Income Related only
  • Pension Credit - Guaranteed Element (including Child Tax Credit)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax Credit only - with an annual income of less than £16,190 (not including Working Tax Credit)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on


School dinners - action required now!

You now need to pre-book your child's school dinners on the School Gateway app in order to ensure that they receive a school dinner.  If you do not pre-book your child's meal, they will only be able to have a sandwich option from the kitchen that day.

To book a meal you need to:


  • Log into your School Gateway account select your child's name
  • Select 'lunch money'
  • Click on the blue box that says 'Make or View Meal Bookings'

Please note that dinners must be paid for at the point of booking (unless you get free school meals).  

If you have an outstanding dinner debt, you will not be able to book a dinner online until the debt is paid.  You must contact the office to discuss clearing this and send a packed lunch into school with your child.  If your child arrives to school without a packed lunch, you will be contacted to bring one in for them.

Please check that you are able to book meals in advance of returning to school and email any issues regarding logging in or any other dinner related queries to



School Gateway App - the best way to receive communication from Uplands Manor

We send all communication to parents through the School Gateway App.  If you have a smart phone, we encourage you to download the app and set it to receive notifications. 

This will mean that you receive all the important messages and communication from school.

If you need to set up a new account, download the school gateway app on your phone or use the following link online You can also reset forgotten passwords from this link if you click on 'existing user'.





We believe that it is important to celebrate achievements.  Each week, children may be given a gold letter from a member of staff or a certificate from Mr Dickinson, Miss Copestake or Miss James.

If your child has done something special outside school - maybe they have helped someone or done something special.  Tell us so that the Uplands community can share in their celebration. Email 


Headteacher & Deputy Headteacher Awards

Some children are sent to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher for a special award.  Congratulations to:

  • Stephanie M for really kind partner work and thoughtful editing of our latest story
  • Rumeha J for excellent behaviour and following instructions in class





Attendance Extravaganza!


Uplands Manor Big Easter Collection for Smethwick Foodbank




2 year old Nursery places at Tiny Steps Nursery

Tiny Steps Nursery have places available for children who are 2 years old.  For more information, please contact the school office who will transfer your call.


3 and 4 Year Old Nursery places at Uplands Nursery for September 2021

We have places available for children who will be aged 3 years old by 31st August 2021.  For more information and an application form, please contact the school office on 0121 558 1602.




Free uniforms at the Dorothy Parkes Centre

The Dorothy Parkes Centre has a selection of pre-worn, good condition school uniform available.  To request items, please complete the Uniform Request Form and somebody will be in touch to let you know if they can help:



School Life app download
A School Life Website
School Life app download