Newsletter 17th January 2025
End of day extension consultation
Please remember to send your comments about the proposed end of day consultation by Monday 20th January to headteacher@uplandsmanor.sandwell.sch.uk
Community superstars!
Has your child done anything special outside of school to help in our community? Have they been litter picking in the local area, helped someone in need or have they received an award for something special? If so, we would love to know and celebrate with them.
If you would like to share their achievements with our school community, please send the info to headteacher@uplandsmanor.sandwell.sch.uk
Eco Schools

At Uplands Manor Primary School, we are committed to developing ecological awareness among our students. We believe in the importance of caring for our environment and have recently formed an Eco School Group to help lead the way in sustainability efforts.
What is Eco Schools?
Eco-Schools is a program designed to inspire students to care of the environment by exploring sustainable development topics. It encourages them to take action and make a positive difference in protecting our planet.
Eco School Representatives
During the Autumn term, each class from Year 3 to Year 6 elected an Eco School Representative. These students will play a key role in our school’s Eco strategy, helping to promote environmental sustainability.
Year 5 Wonderdome experience
On Wednesday 8th January, Year 5 were visited by the Wonderdome. This mobile planetarium experience was an exciting start to our Science topic on space. Once inside, we were able to view the planets and stars above our heads. We zoomed in on different planets and explored their features, dodging ice chunks from Saturn's rings and marvelling at the possibility of diamond rain on Neptune.
As well as exploring our solar system's planets, we looked at the future of space travel. We watched astronauts landing on the moon and considered what it would be like to be part of the first expedition to Mars. We left the dome ready to start our topic and explore the amazing solar system that we are part of.
If you want to know more about your child's experience of the wonderdome, click https://wonderdome.co.uk/gallery-of-wonder/
School dinners

Important information about school dinners from January
All children must be registered on the Kanpla app, whether your child has a paid school meal, a free school meal or they bring a packed lunch from home.
Please check your emails for an invitation message from Kanpla (Grow) with details about how to activate. This must be completed before you try to sign into the new meal booking app. You will have received an email for each of your children, please activate each one to attach to your app.
Once your account has been set up, please either book your child's meal choices (parents of children having free school meals still need to choose what they have, otherwise they will only receive a sandwich).
If your child brings a packed lunch from home, please choose this option on the app and do it as a recurring option clicking "Set Standard Choice" button at bottom of screen to repeat your choices until the end of this half term.
We apologise for any technical issues you may have experienced recently. If you have any queries, please speak to a member of admin team.
If your child is going to be late into school in a morning, for any reason, you must contact school to let us know. If you don't let us know, we have to assume that your child is absent and their child's meal will be cancelled for the day.
If you book a meal and let us know that they will be in late, the meal will not be cancelled.

Our school library is full of wonderful books for the children to read and now it's your turn!
In main School Reception, we have two bookcases with lots of books for you to borrow.
Please feel free to take a book home then return it when you have read it and swap it for another.
If you have books at home in good condition that you would like to donate, please bring them in and put them on the bookcase. The books need to be for adults so could be novels, history books, information books, cookery books, etc. Please only bring books you do not want to be returned.
Seeing adults reading and enjoying books is such a good role model for children and is great for your relaxation and mental health (even just a few minutes can make a difference!).

Can you help us by donating any uniform, shoes or coats that your child has grown out of?
Uniform items and coats need to be in good, washed condition, with no holes or rips and names removed. Shoes need to be in good, clean and wearable condition.
Please bring donations to the School Reception in a bag.
We have a preloved clothing rail in Reception. You are welcome to come and take any item that your child needs. Please help us by keeping the rail tidy and only taking the item you really need.
Thank you for your support.

There are new videos on our website to support your child's learning of phonics. Click https://uplandsmanor.sch.life/Page/Detail/phonics or go to the website and click on 'Provision' to find the relevant videos. Sit and watch them with your child and ask them to show you what they have been learning in school.
Dates of all events happening at Uplands Manor can be found on the calendar https://uplandsmanor.sch.life/Page/Calendar
Make sure you check it regularly as new dates will be added throughout the year
- Monday 20th RO local area walk
- Tuesday 21st 5HS & 5W swimming
- Tuesday 21st 4.15 - 5.15pm Nursery & Reception Bedtime Stories event
- Wednesday 22nd Year 3 Egyptian workshop
- Thursday 23rd RJC local area walk
- Friday 24th RM local area walk
- Friday 24th PCSOs visiting afternoon Nursery
- Tuesday 28th 5W & 5HS swimming
- Tuesday 28th 2 - 3pm Sandwell Parent Carer Forum SEND PINS project meeting in school
- Tuesday 28th 4.15 - 5.15pm Year 1 & 2 Bedtime Stories event

- Tuesday 4th 5W & 5HS swimming
- Tuesday 11th 5W & 5HS swimming
- Tuesday 11th 4.15 - 5.15pm Year 3 & 4 Bedtime Stories event
- Monday 24th School open for all pupils
- Tuesday 25th 5H & 5S swimming
- Tuesday 25th Reception visit to Masjid Usman Mosque
- Tuesday 25th 4.15 - 5.15pm Year 5 & 6 Bedtime Stories event
- Thursday 27th Reception visit to Masjid Usman Mosque
- Friday 28th February - Sunday 30th March Ramadan
- Tuesday 4th 5H & 5S swimming
- Tuesday 4th 3.30 - 6pm Parents' Evening
- Wednesday 5th Year 3 to Smethwick Old Church
- Thursday 6th 3.30 - 6pm Parents' Evening
- Tuesday 11th 5H & 5S swimming
- Tuesday 18th 5H & 5S swimming
- Tuesday 18th 2pm SEND PINS Project parents' meeting
- Tuesday 25th 5H & 5S swimming
- Monday 31st 4E & 4P visit to Carding Mill Valley
- Friday 4th April 4 & 4G visit to Carding Mill Valley
- Monday 14th to Friday 25th April - SCHOOL CLOSED FOR EASTER HOLIDAY
Make attendance your business!
Uplands Manor Primary recognises that good attendance is essential in order for pupils to get the most of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances. It is extremely important that children are brought to school every day and to be on time.
Our school attendance target is 96%
Our current attendance is 94.1%

If your child is late, you must bring them into Reception and wait with them until they have been signed in by a Receptionist.
All appointments should be made outside school times where possible. If your child has an appointment during the school day, please make sure they attend school before the appointment and return afterwards. Please speak to a member of the Attendance Team if you have any queries.
All appointments should be made outside school times where possible. If your child has an appointment during the school day, please make sure they attend school before the appointment and return afterwards. Please speak to a member of the Attendance Team if you have any queries.
There is lots of new information about support and events in our local area on the Community Information page on our website or by clicking https://bit.ly/3Re3Q9T
Are you looking for work?
We have been sent information about the DWP Find a Job website which we hope might be helpful. Click Find a job to create an account and search for jobs in the local area and nationally.