Newsletter 15th November 2024




Parent Voice

You are amazing!  Last week, we sent out the link and QR code for a parent survey and, already, 121 of you have completed it.  We really want to hear your views so please just take a few minutes to click your choices on the questions - it really is quick!



Parents' Evenings - thank you!

Thank you to everyone who attended parents' evenings.  We hope you had a good meeting with your child's class teacher and that you managed to speak to the representatives from local organisations as well as trying the food that our catering team kindly provided.





Dates of all events happening at Uplands Manor can be found on the calendar 

Make sure you check it regularly as new dates will be added throughout the year





The deadline for all school applications for Reception places starting September 2025 is Wednesday 15th January 2025.





Don't forget to wear your odd socks on Monday 18th November!  We are celebrating Odd Socks day to celebrate diversity and reinforce the message that everyone is unique & everyone is special. 

  • Monday 18th Odd socks day for anti-bullying awareness
  • Tuesday 19th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Wednesday 20th PCSOs visiting Reception


Free Activity Morning for 2, 3 & 4 year olds




  • Monday 2nd Staff Inset - SCHOOL CLOSED
  • Tuesday 3rd 5H & 5S swimming
  • Tuesday 3rd Funtime Theatre Panto in school
  • Thursday 5th Christmas jumper and dinner day
  • Thursday 5th Reception visit to Smethwick Old Church
  • Tuesday 10th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Tuesday 10th Fire engine visit to Reception
  • Tuesday 10th Nursery Christmas Stay & Play (check letter)
  • Tuesday 10th 2pm SEND project parents' meeting
  • Wednesday 11th Year 5 Christmas performance at Smethwick Old Church (details to follow)
  • Wednesday 11th Nursery Christmas Stay & Play (check letter)
  • Tuesday 17th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Friday 20th Class Christmas parties
  • Friday 20th Last day of term



Year 5 Festive celebration Wednesday 11th December

Year 5 would like to invite their parents and carers to join them for a festive celebration at Smethwick Old Church on Wednesday 11th December.  5HS and 5S will start at 9.15am.  5W and 5H will start at 2.15pm.



Reception Christmas Nativity

Reception classes would like to invite their parents/carers to their Christmas Nativity on Wednesday 18th December at 9am.  The performance will start promptly so please don't be late!



Christmas holiday: Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January




  • Monday 6th School re-opens to all pupils
  • Tuesday 7th 5HS & 5W swimming
  • Tuesday 14th 5HS & 5W swimming
  • Friday 17th Year 4 Viking workshop
  • Tuesday 21st 5HS & 5W swimming
  • Wednesday 22nd Year 3 Egyptian workshop









Important safeguarding reminder

Please make sure that you supervise your children at all times in the playground before and after school.

The playground is very busy and it is your responsibility to ensure you keep your child with you after they have been released by the teacher. 


Letters - have you seen them?

The following letters have been sent home via the School Gateway app.  

  • Young Carers
  • Year 5 cooking (Natasha's Law) info
  • Year 5 Festive performance
  • Reception Christmas Nativity
  • Spring clubs




We have lots of videos to support your child's learning of phonics.  Click or go to the website and click on 'Provision' to find the relevant videos.  Sit and watch them with your child and ask them to show you what they have been learning in school. 





Make attendance your business!

Uplands Manor Primary recognises that good attendance is essential in order for pupils to get the most of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances. It is extremely important that children are brought to school every day and to be on time.

Our school attendance target is 96%

Our current attendance is 94.1%




Information about support and events in our local area can be found on the Community Information page on our website or by clicking


Are you looking for work?

We have been sent information about the DWP Find a Job website which we hope might be helpful.  Click Find a job to create an account and search for jobs in the local area and nationally.

School Life app download
A School Life Website
School Life app download