Newsletter 13th December 2024





Uplands talented football team

Our Year 5 and 6 boys football team competed in the EFL Utilita Cup this week and were outstanding! They won all of their group games and went on to the finals, winning a penalty shootout along the way. We ended up finishing second which means that we have qualified for the next round. Well done boys!



Uplands Choir start the Christmas festivities

The fantastic members of Uplands Manor choir gave a Christmas performance at the Dorothy Parkes Centre Christmas Fayre.  Well done for helping our community get into the festive spirit.



Birthday celebrations

Children at our school helped two members of our community to celebrate their milestone birthdays recently by making and giving beautiful birthday cards.  Mavis and Edna celebrated turning 100 and 90 - we hope they enjoyed their celebrations!  Well done and thank you to the children for their kindness!



Asda Cashpot for Schools

A big thank you to staff and families for helping us raise £496.45 for school through the Asda Cashpot for Schools.




Dates of all events happening at Uplands Manor can be found on the calendar 

Make sure you check it regularly as new dates will be added throughout the year



  • Tuesday 17th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Wednesday 18th 9am Reception nativity
  • Thursday 19th Christmas jumper and dinner day
  • Friday 20th Class Christmas parties
  • Friday 20th Last day of term



Reception Christmas Nativity

Reception classes would like to invite their parents/carers to their Christmas Nativity on Wednesday 18th December at 9am.  The performance will start promptly so please don't be late!



Christmas and New Year school closure

School will be closed for the Christmas holiday from Monday 23rd December to Friday 3rd January




The deadline for all school applications for Reception places starting September 2025 is Wednesday 15th January 2025. Click to apply


  • Monday 6th School re-opens to all pupils
  • Tuesday 7th 5HS & 5W swimming
  • Tuesday 14th 5HS & 5W swimming
  • Tuesday 14th 9am Reception phonics meeting
  • Friday 17th Year 4 Viking workshop
  • Tuesday 21st 5HS & 5W swimming
  • Tuesday 21st 4.15 - 5.15pm Nursery & Reception Bedtime Stories event
  • Wednesday 22nd Year 3 Egyptian workshop
  • Tuesday 28th 5W & 5HS swimming
  • Tuesday 28th 4.15 - 5.15pm Year 1 & 2 Bedtime Stories event



  • Tuesday 4th 5W & 5HS swimming
  • Tuesday 11th 5W & 5HS swimming
  • Tuesday 11th 4.15 - 5.15pm Year 3 & 4 Bedtime Stories event
  • Monday 17th - Friday 21st SCHOOL CLOSED FOR HALF TERM HOLIDAY
  • Monday 24th School open for all pupils
  • Tuesday 25th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Tuesday 25th 4.15 - 5.15pm Year 5 & 6 Bedtime Stories event
  • Friday 28th February - Sunday 30th March Ramadan




  • Tuesday 4th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Tuesday 11th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Tuesday 18th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Tuesday 25th 5H & 5S swimming
  • Monday 31st Year 4 visit to Carding Mill Valley






Important information about school dinners from January

Please check your emails for a message from Kanpla/ABM Catering (Grow) with details about how to sign up to the new meal booking app.  It is important that you follow the instructions to sign up to the app and and complete your child's information as soon as you receive the email. 

You will receive an email for each of your children.  You need to open the first email and set up an account then (if you have more than one child) you will need to open each email to add your other children to the account.  It is straightforward once you've set up the account.  



If your child is late, you must bring them into Reception and wait with them until they have been signed in by a Receptionist.






wonde vouchers for families eligible for free school meals

Food vouchers will be sent to families with children who are eligible for free school meals.  You should receive an email in the last week of term from Wonde (check your spam folders).  


Once again, we are reminding you to put your child's full name in all items of clothing, shoes, coats, hats, scarves and gloves that your child wears to school.  Their full name also needs to be on lunch boxes, lunchbags, PE kits, pumps and bags, Forest School clothes and wellies .... the list is endless.

It is your responsibility to do this so that we can return lost items to your child. We are not responsible if items get lost.


Come on families, it takes a few minutes and saves you lots of money in the long run!




We have lots of videos to support your child's learning of phonics.  Click or go to the website and click on 'Provision' to find the relevant videos.  Sit and watch them with your child and ask them to show you what they have been learning in school. 






Make attendance your business!

Uplands Manor Primary recognises that good attendance is essential in order for pupils to get the most of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances. It is extremely important that children are brought to school every day and to be on time.

Our school attendance target is 96%

Our current attendance is 94.1%




Information about support and events in our local area can be found on the Community Information page on our website or by clicking


Are you looking for work?

We have been sent information about the DWP Find a Job website which we hope might be helpful.  Click Find a job to create an account and search for jobs in the local area and nationally.

School Life app download
A School Life Website
School Life app download